Day 2- 10 years

Where you'd like to be in 10 years

I only do short-term plans, and I sometimes even let my impulsive attitude take over because most of the good things that happened in my life were made possible by life's surprises or my sudden decisions.

But now that I've really given a chance to think about it, I'd probably want to be married by that time. And probably have a kid or two (a girl-boy twin maybe)  but I won't be living anywhere abroad. I'd still choose to live here, and pursue my dreams of being a broadcast journalist. Or maybe I could be in another country, take Paris for instance, but I'll be there for a vacation with my family.

Mind you, these aren't plans but dreams that could somehow help me visualize my future, or help me know that my life is going somewhere sensible and that I'm taking the path worth taking. But right now, life's been continually surprising me so I could never tell what the future holds.

But if ever I'll be too impulsive and get really crazy starting today, in ten years I'd be in a hospital....

single and busy but very, very happy because I'm following my dreams of being a pediatrician. /wrist


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