
Bros over hoes. 
They are my happy place. :) 

About to End

From Cha's, Nachi's and Jicky's blog. 

1. What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?  
Follow my mind. 

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? 
I don't do new year resolutions simply because I can't really do them. And besides, you don't need a new year if you really want to change. 

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? 

4. Did anyone close to you die? 
Thank God none. 

5. What countries did you visit?
None. I hope next year, I get to experience snow with my parents. I'm gonna make that happen!

6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010? 
Money and genuine happiness. 

7. What date from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory and why? 
March 29, Graduation day. The start of my new life. 

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? 
Graduating and finally reaching my dream one step at a time. :) 

9. What was your biggest failure? 
Believing what I felt was love when it clearly wasn't. So much for trying to move on, I just got hurt. 

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Not really but I got into a car accident. 

11. What was the best thing you bought? 
My almost weekly treat for my parents, their choice of place of course. It feels great to finally give back the love. 

12. Whose behavior merited celebration? 
My oldest brother Albert. He's really behaving himself in their seminary and I could really feel he loves where he is right now, it's where he should really be. 

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? 
The only bitchesbecrazy in my life. 

14. Where did most of your money go? 
Food, treats, night outs with workmates :) 

15. What did you really, really, really get excited about? 
Working, BSB and Jason Castro concert, and our trip to Puerto Galera. Best days! 

16. What song will always remind you of 2010? 
a. Empire State of Mind- Jayz feat. Alicia Keys
b. Party in the USA- Miley Cyrus
c. You Could Be Happy- Snow Patrol 
d. Details in the Fabric- Jason Mraz 

17. Compared to this time last year are you:
Happier? Same Same. 
Thinner? Nope.  
Richer? YEAHUH!

18. What do you wish you’d done more of? 
Traveling, saving money and losing weight. 

19. What do you wish you’d done less of? 
Being stupid and procrastinating. 

20. How did you spend Christmas? 
Still 10 days before Christmas but as always, I'll spend it with my wonderful family. :) 

21. How will you be spending new years?
With my family, eating lotsa food and looking at lotsa fireworks! 

22. Did you fall in love in 2010? 
I thought I did. 

23. How many one-night stands?
I don't do one-night stands, puhlease. 

24. What was your favorite TV program? 
Gossip Girl, Glee, The Walking Dead and Perfect match! <3 

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

26. What was the best book you read? 
The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky 

27. What was your biggest musical discovery? 
The Script, India Arie, Train, Sarah Bareilles, Bruno Mars 

28. What did you want and you got? 
A car and a job in one of the best TV stations 

29. What did you want and not get? 
Love. LOL Peace of mind. 

30. What was your favorite film of this year? 
500 days of Summer, HP 7 Part One 

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old did you turn? 
Went to SM San Lazaro with Dharel then had dinner with my family at Conti's, turned 21. 

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? 
Free days for traveling. 

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?
Comfy and casual as always. 

34. What kept you sane? 
Family, friends, music, books, movies and Baguio. 

35. Which celebrity did you fancy the most? 
Jason Mraz 

36. What political issue stirred you the most? 
Maguindanao Massacre, RH bill   

37. Who did you miss? 
Friends and Ed. 

38. Who was the best new person you met? 
Humble reporters, NOQ family especially Ali and Xien and DNG peeps Sir Josh, Stacy and Neil  

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010: 
Change is inevitable. 

40. Quote or Song Lyric that sums up your year: 
"It's never too late to be what you might have become." 

A loves A

Early morning of December 3rd,
 the day that Akihiro Sato met Anne Rose Gamboa, 
and the day that the greatest love story began. 

Things to look forward to

This weekend would be the start of my really MERRY Christmas season for lots of reasons! 

A. This Friday:  Payday and News on Q's Christmas party! I actually can't remember where we're gonna have it but as long as I'm with my big family with good food, games and music, I sure am gonna have one helluva great night! I'm so looking forward to it! ( Well, except for our mandatory intermission number. Sucks to be new LOL) 

AND! We're going to celebrate Ate Catha's birthday! After the Christmas party, we're planning to go to any karaoke then proceed to Banchetto, that is if we still have the energy and appetite to do so. 

B. This Saturday: Unang Hirit's Christmas party! We're going to have it at Mrs. Lyn Ching-Pascual's mansion. There will be games and an on the spot exchange gift giving. And again, I'm included in one of the performances but for a prize. LOL. I don't know if I should be excited or shit nervous about it. I haven't danced in public for four years. 

C. Next weekend: RESERVED FOR THE JEEP! We're going to have a Christmas party at Dharel's place wherein we have to be dressed as a TV/movie character. And I've decided to go as Rachel Berry so I hope Lian would not be a pain in the ass by going to the party as Rachel too. :)) Of course there's Monito Monita and we're going to bring food for the party. I bet we'd play Charades or Pinoy Henyo. I'm planning to make some happy juice for the group. *wink* 

I actually don't know if I will still be invited to other parties but if I will be, then more parties mean more fun... and more gifts. LOL. 

So, I'm sparing my Monito/Monita from the difficulty of thinking which gift I would like to receive so here's a short list of the things I want right now. 

1. A book that he/she knows that I really want. 
2. A jacket. Maybe have our names sewn at the back of it. LOL. 
3. Any clothing actually. Maybe a casual dress. A shirt? 
4. Yes, I've been dying for an external hard drive because my laptop's broken. 
5. A ring that wouldn't remind me of anyone or anything except the one who gave it. 
6. Money to have my laptop repaired. LOL 
7. A free day to do the things I want and be with the people I wanna be with.  
8. A Maroon5 ticket for their concert next year.
9. A date with my crush in the newsroom. :)) 
10. Errrr... A silver necklace? A new black tumblr? :)) 
11. A drug, or anything that could erase memories please. 
12. SHOES! Size 7 to 7 1/2 :) 

I actually just wrote this post for like five minutes because it's already 12:30 mn and I have to be awake by 2 a.m. sooo I have to say good night now 'coz I'm writing like a crazy, drunk kiddo. 

Hope you're also going to have fun for the next days and weeks to come! 

Don't Look For Love

The title itself, is one of the grandest things I learned this year, and is also that one thing I didn't quite practice.

You see, I was stupid. So stupid that I myself didn't even realize until the world shook me. I kept on trying and trying to find that love that I think could heal or make me forget the things or that person that had changed my life in such a brief time. 

I tried to date and get to know other guys, thinking I have already moved on. I've been in another relationship and after a few months I realized that actually, it's never going to be enough that someone is just there, or what other might say, someone "owns" you and you, "own" him. First, company can never compensate for true understanding; for being with someone who really knows you and can be there for you even without saying a word, or that someone who you can be yourself with. Second, nobody can ever own another; you only own yourself. 

I was impatient. I tried to develop feelings that I know couldn't even materialize because deep inside me, I know I didn't want to feel them. 

This could be mean or selfish of me, but there was this one time I tried to get know this person, I really didn't feel anything, and I know he felt the same way. I was looking at him and in my mind I was telling myself "like him, he's nice..etc.", but every freaking time I looked at him, I saw another person and my heart shouted "Save me, take me away from here". 

Don't get me wrong, I don't regret knowing these people, They've taught me a lesson or two. But what I regret is that I tried to look for love when what's true is that it finds you. 

And up to now, I believe in such a bittersweet way that love found me three years ago, during that one cold night in November in front of the UST church. 

All it took was a handshake and a nervous hello, and I knew we found each other. 

And I hope he'll find me again 'coz I'm not going anywhere. 

Threesome in Baguio

My friend Angelique may have said that I think Baguio has this healing power but as I come to think of it, the City of Pines now hurts and heals me.

It heals me because it's now my brother's home, and ever since I came here often, he made me also feel that I also belong to this place.
Its cold breeze is therapeutic. Baguio had been my place of escape whenever I almost drowning with emotions and stress in Manila. Baguio just calms my soul every time and helps me go back to reality, thinking and feeling that I get to begin my life all over again. It's also the place where I feel closest to God.

It's also the place where I always get that happy Christmas feel. Not just because of the chills or the lights around but also because it's the place where I can always be happy and bring the people that I love. Last time I brought my mom and dad. This time I got to tag Jicky and Lian along.

Being there with them is like having a glimpse of heaven. The place is filled with people creating cheerful noise surrounding us.

 We would never get tired of eating, walking and visiting places and living in Baguio.

But during those times when I am left alone, I realize that Baguio is where I always remember him and where I always wish I could go back with him . Pathetic as it may seem but I think I sometimes go there because it is the closest thing that I could get to feel him again, and make it seem that he still lives there. But I have to face the fact that right now, he just resides in my heart, and maybe fulfilling our dream then of going there together would just remain a dream.

But right now, I am more than happy to be able to bring my friends in Baguio and create memories that would never be forgotten.

I hope we get to go back and make more memories! I love you Lian and Jicky :)

I'm married and I just gave birth to a child.

Actually, that was just what the lady who sat across me in the jeepney yesterday thought so. 

You see, I was actually late for work but I still took a jeep on my way to work to save some.  And then there was this lady who I assume is as old as my mama. She was staring at me. I mean, REALLY STARING AT ME. She wasn't even blinking. I was getting bothered already (and was actually thinking, am I that pretty?LOL) when she spoke to me and said "Ikaw ba si Marilen?" (Is your name Marilen?)

Apparently, Marilen was her 17-year-old daughter-in-law who she said looks exactly like me as if we are twins. I was already smiling when she told me that she's also beautiful like me, then she had to mention that Marilen just gave birth a month ago. :)) 

I kept on laughing in my mind the whole time because she really made sure that I wasn't her daughter-in-law who was supposed to be in Pampanga with his son. :)) Oh, life's ways of turning your day from awful to awesome :) 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

I can't wait to be in Baguio on Saturday, to be back in the city of pines and hug my brother again. I bet I would even be happier because my good, good, bitchy friends Lian and Jicky are coming with me. 

Baguio heals my heart, every time. 

Now, I'm off to pack my things. See you in 2 days! <3 

Dream Come True, Drew!

Finally met the person who kept me awake during my Unang Hirit work shift! Our director, Sir Dex, finally introduced me to him as the girl he greeted on the show after I posted "Drew Arellano, I could stare at you all my life" which he apparently, was able to read! He said " Binubuking ka ng mga 'yan sa'kin!" I was happily embarrassed that he remembers me! I EVEN GOT A FREE HUG! 

Thank you sir Drew Arellano, you're such a down to earth celeb! Stay awesome and stay happy! I'll always be your biggest fan! 

Oh, how I love my job! 

Newsroom Halloween!

 My family never got to live in a village so I never experience any Halloween costume parades or trick or treating from cute little kids. Thanks to GMA News and Public Affairs, I finally got my dose of an awesome Halloween. :) 
I was so shocked to be greeted by skulls, pumpkins and spooky trees on my way to the newsroom. 
Then at 4 p.m., we went up to the 8th floor with Sir Ricky to check out the
 little sons and daughters of reporters and employees dressed in their spooky
 yet still cute costumes,  ready to do trick or treat and attend the party! 
Mam Jessica Soho started to give out chocolates and candies to start off the party!
Then kids came by the cubicles and desks to grabe some more treats!
 (Hey, the kid doesn't look happy with those donuts!LOL) 
This was my favorite kid for the day!  The whole time I was puzzled why she was dressed as Robin Hood then I figured out she was actually a he and his name is Mark Dylan! Oops, my bad! 
Of course, Sir Ricky, Ate Ali and Ate Xien, Doi and I also tried 
to blend in with the kids and the decorations on the event :)) 
Attack of the Adorable Kids!
 I guess they kept on wanting more candies! 
To infinity and beyond! 
This was my favorite Halloween costume worn
 by Pachino Gaston, Reporter Chino Gaston's son! :) 
We also had Superman and Superwoman!
This kid looks like Baby Josh! 
This is actually Maki Pulido's son. :) 
Cute zombies ready to eat the writers,
 I mean candies from us writers :)) 
This is the cutestestestest Chwistmas Twee I have ever seen!!! 
Look, nobody's working. LOL! 
We were just too excited to see the kids! 

And yes, the kids invaded the newsroom! 
And no one ever complained, especially me! 
I wish I was able to take home even just one kid! 
Too bad we didn't have enough treats for all of them!
So Halloween Santa Sir Mike Enriquez gave out more! 
After the fun spoiling of kids, I had some crazy photo shots with Stacy and Neil...
(Must not post all hahaha!)

Then had a Halloween hangout with NOQ friends!
I hope you also had a great Halloween! 
Here's a little delayed boo from my News on Q and GMA Family! 
Happy Halloween everyone! :)